Saturday, February 3, 2007

February 1, 2007

This was such a fun day for Andy, although he has seen snow in Pennsylvania and once here when he was very little, there was just nothing like having it in your front yard. He went outside and built a snowman all by himself. YaYa tried to help but he really wanted it to be his very own. I think his snowman turned out perfect!!!!

February 1, 2007

Today it snowed!! Well I say snow, it was white and it did almost cover the entire ground. The grocery store was completely wiped out of bread and milk. By 1:00 pm the only thing that remained was a lonely snow man that Andy had somehow managed to scrap together. We did have a good time. John pulled Megan around on the four wheeler and Andy did not want any part of that. He said "that to scary, mom".


January 31, 2007

I had to go to the chiropractor today because I pulled something in my right shoulder. This fountain was behind the doctors office and I just thought it looked really cool!!!