Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to Megan

What a Christmas! It was so hard to keep this secret from Megan. With Laura and Randy's help, we pulled it off on Christmas eve. She was so surprised!! Andy says that he wants an Avalanche when he gets big like his Ya Ya.

Until Next time,

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas 09

What a great year! I am so thankful for many things, but I am especially thankful for my family. God has truly blessed us and I am looking forward to next year. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the blog better. It is fun for me to go back and look at all of the older post. I hope everyone has a Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year.

Until next time -

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Megan and Quin

Megan and Quin will be dating one year on December 3rd. We went out for a couple of pictures and I just love how they turned out. The sunset is so beautiful and so are the kids. We have been so blessed.

Until next time.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Brandie Lynn

Brandie got her hair cut. She looks so much older. She is in kindergarten and she sings her colors. It is the cutest thing ever.
Here is the one about Red:
R - E - D Red
R - E - D Red
I can spell red
I can spell red
Firetrucks are red, Stops signs are red too.
R - E - D
R - E - D

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

About me

I was thinking of all of the things that I do everyday and wanted to at least have one picture of me in my new scrapbook. I am really trying to keep up this year and catch up on the past years too. It has been very challenging but fun as well. I hope to stay current next year. I meant to put it on this page but I forgot and had already called it done, but I also lost a series of go-fish games that day. So I was also the go-fish loser of the day.

Until Next time.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blast from the Past

I was going through some old disk and came across this image of Andy from July 04. He sure was a happy fellow, dirty but happy!!

Until next time,

Monday, October 19, 2009

Andy's Football Game

What a fun football season. Andy played several different positions this year. He really didn't care what position he played as long as he was in the game. He scored several touchdowns and he loved every minute of it. When he scored his very first touchdown, he came running over to us and he said "I am so happy that my eyes were watering." We are amazed at the talent that the Lord has blessed him with. We are very proud of him for his accomplishments this year.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Elaine

Today was my 37th birthday. When I got up this morning, Megan and Andy had posted notes all over the kitchen wishing me a happy day. I just stood there with big tears streaming down my face. My phone rang off the hook all day and my friend Laura took me to lunch at The Olive Garden. After we ate lunch we went shopping and I got the cutest outfit! John, Megan, Andy and Quin took me to eat wings at Chiefs for supper. It was an amazing day that I will never forget. I just am absolutely amazed at the love and support from my family and friends.
Until next time -

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Megan was accepted into the SC Honors Choir that was hosted at Converse College. There were girls there from different SC high schools. They had a weekend to practice together and they were amazing. We enjoyed the concert immensely. After we left, we stopped by one of the construction sites and took several pictures in the concrete pipe that was taller than Megan. We had a great time and we are very proud of Megan's accomplishment.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Funny things that Andy says.

John and I went away this past weekend to "A Weekend to Remember" in Augusta, Ga. If you haven't heard of it go the website It was simply amazing! You would think after 18 years that you would know a person inside and out, but we discovered many new things about each other. I recommend it to anyone who is married!! Go, you won't regret it!!
Anyway, Andy spent the weekend with my sister and her husband, Alan. When they got up Sunday morning Andy wanted a bologna and ham sandwich for breakfast. Alan asked him if he wanted mustard or mayo and Andy said, no just plain. They ate "a man's breakfast" and then off to church they went. Alan dropped him off at Sunday school and Andy tugged on his pants leg.
Andy: Alan
Alan: What is it Andy?
Andy: You know my Mom and Dad take me out to eat after church every Sunday, right?
Alan: Andy, we are going to feed you son.
Andy: I just wanted to make sure you knew, because I have to eat.

Alan told us this story when they brought him home Sunday afternoon. We laughed and laughed. We were all sitting out on the deck enjoying the smell of fall and Andy comes out and offers to make us all coffee. (He started this about a month ago on Sunday mornings) Jessica asked me if we let him do that and I said sure he makes a great cup of jo. A little while later he brings out the coffee and I guarantee you could have stood a spoon up it was so strong. I told him that mommy likes her coffee strong but not everyone else does. So I asked him to make a new pot with only 1/2 a scoop of coffee grounds.
A few minutes later he comes out with half a cup of coffee. I asked him if he made a new pot. He said nooo, I made a 1/2 a cup. We all kinda laughed and I asked him again to make a new pot of coffee with 1/2 scoop of coffee grounds.
He comes back out a little while later with a cup of coffee smiling from ear to ear. I look at the coffee and look at John, who has by then noticed that the coffee is still very strong, and I ask Andy, trying to control my laughter, "Honey did you make a new pot?" Ug Huh, I put in 1/2 scoop of coffee grounds and I put this much water (he held up his two fingers showing about two inches)because only my Daddy wanted more coffee. We all started laughing and Andy said "Mom, I think I am done making coffee, I just can't seem to get it right today."
It was so sweet and precious.
Days like this just make me wonder, how did I get so lucky!
Until Next Time -

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Megan - The many faces

Megan was trying to study for a test on helping verbs on Tuesday. She was singing the verbs to "Old McDonald". I started taking her picture and she was getting a little upset with me. Then she started making faces and laughing. What a great day, just doing what we do. Life is so good!!

Until next time -

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trying to catch up

I posted some older images(March and April). I am trying to catch up my scrapbook for the year. Hope everyone is doing well. God Bless!

Until Next Time,

Friday, August 21, 2009

"Puppy Eyes"

School started back on Monday and Megan and Andy are getting back into the groove of things. Megan is going to big Byrnes and Andy is in the second grade. I am trying to get back into scrapbooking and I am loving it.
Anytime Andy gets into trouble he gives me these "puppy eyes" as he calls them. It is really cute when he does it and I'm sure that one day I will be able to appreciate it.

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer Catch Up II

Megan and Quin rounded up a bunch of friends to come to the house to paintball. I think there were about 10 teens and John and Derek. They played in the woods for a while and then went down to the river. Everyone had marks, some worse than others, but they all had a great time.

This is Megan hiding between a couple of stumps... She was hoping to sneak up on her Dad, but someone ran out of paint before she could get to him.
John and Derek holding down the fort.

My baby!!!

This is Marley, the newest addition to our family. She is 6 months old and we absolutely love her to death!! My sister watched her for us while we were at the beach. I got a text message saying that she was being held for ransom and that we probably would not be able to afford to get her back. They even let her sleep with them. (a first for my BIL) They have two girls who just loved carrying her around. She did get attached to my sister(who wouldn't?), the next time Jes came for a visit, Marley just loved all over her.

Andy's birthday cookie at the beach. We went to see the movie UP that night.

This is the fish that Quin caught. He wanted Megan to give it some sugar. Megan thought he was kidding. It was sooooo funny!!!

Quin and Megan have been going out for 8 months. They are like two peas in a pod!!!
Captain Andrew Martens at your service!

This summer I have learned two things.
My life is so much sweeter when I follow God instead of trying to direct my own path.
My children are growing up faster that I ever thought possible.

This journey is the best and I look forward to tomorrow and the next day and the next.

Until Next Time -

Summer Catch Up

John and Andy spent two weeks farming together. While they were cutting wheat, Andy ran after a bunny for a very long time and finally caught it! He brought that thing home prouder that a peacock!! John had the best time - he said it reminded him of his childhood and he was very thankful to have the opportunity to do a little farming with his son. "Farming is just something that is in your blood and its been way to long since I have done it."

Hanging out at the car wash....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Missing in Action

I guess I have been ignoring my blog. I could give you several really good excuses as to why I haven't been posting, but I will save the drama for another day.

Andy and Megan have really enjoyed their summer. We have been to Florida, lounged out by the pool and learned to paintball. (Well, Megan and John did)

Everyday is a new gift from God and we are trying to embrace every moment and learn to be be more like him.

The kids go back to school in two weeks. This summer has really gone by fast. Andy turned 8 in July and Megan is 15 and driving!!! I miss those days when I said get in the car and no one argued with me or had somewhere else they would rather be. I will post some summer images soon.

Until next time-

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stinky Bunny Love

We were doing Bunny Days at the studio and I needed to pick up bunnies. They were very cute but they were also very stinky. I brought them home and gave them a bath and trimmed the dirty fur off of their feet. I took Andy to the studio to take a few pictures and he decided that he wanted to keep them. After they peed on him, he wasn't sure about the whole situation. It was a great day and we had alot of really good laughs.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

I took alot of pictures, but I forgot to put them on my computer..... Megan was sitting on the front porch with her daddy, and I snapped this image. I really wonder what she was thinking about. When she came up the stairs this morning, it almost took my breath away. I have always thought she was beautiful, but today she just glowed.

Until Next Time -

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Shaving Cream Sunday

I wanted to do something fun, out of the ordinary and downright messy. After we ate we stopped by the store so that I could pick up a few things. I bought 4 cans of shaving cream and didn't tell anyone what I was up to. When we got home, I told the kids to change and John and I got ready for some fun. When they came outside, we attacked! It was so much fun. Marley was covered in cream too. Goes to show how much fun you can still have with only $4.00

Until next time,

Friday, January 16, 2009

Shooting Quin

Just kidding!!! We went to Gatlinburg, TN with the youth group from church and while we were downtown shopping, we met up with Quin and Megan for a nice family photo. It was so funny. We had a great weekend, poor Quin coughed the entire time. I thought he was going to cough up a lung..... We can't wait to go again next year.
Until next time