Sunday, August 30, 2009

Megan - The many faces

Megan was trying to study for a test on helping verbs on Tuesday. She was singing the verbs to "Old McDonald". I started taking her picture and she was getting a little upset with me. Then she started making faces and laughing. What a great day, just doing what we do. Life is so good!!

Until next time -

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trying to catch up

I posted some older images(March and April). I am trying to catch up my scrapbook for the year. Hope everyone is doing well. God Bless!

Until Next Time,

Friday, August 21, 2009

"Puppy Eyes"

School started back on Monday and Megan and Andy are getting back into the groove of things. Megan is going to big Byrnes and Andy is in the second grade. I am trying to get back into scrapbooking and I am loving it.
Anytime Andy gets into trouble he gives me these "puppy eyes" as he calls them. It is really cute when he does it and I'm sure that one day I will be able to appreciate it.

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer Catch Up II

Megan and Quin rounded up a bunch of friends to come to the house to paintball. I think there were about 10 teens and John and Derek. They played in the woods for a while and then went down to the river. Everyone had marks, some worse than others, but they all had a great time.

This is Megan hiding between a couple of stumps... She was hoping to sneak up on her Dad, but someone ran out of paint before she could get to him.
John and Derek holding down the fort.

My baby!!!

This is Marley, the newest addition to our family. She is 6 months old and we absolutely love her to death!! My sister watched her for us while we were at the beach. I got a text message saying that she was being held for ransom and that we probably would not be able to afford to get her back. They even let her sleep with them. (a first for my BIL) They have two girls who just loved carrying her around. She did get attached to my sister(who wouldn't?), the next time Jes came for a visit, Marley just loved all over her.

Andy's birthday cookie at the beach. We went to see the movie UP that night.

This is the fish that Quin caught. He wanted Megan to give it some sugar. Megan thought he was kidding. It was sooooo funny!!!

Quin and Megan have been going out for 8 months. They are like two peas in a pod!!!
Captain Andrew Martens at your service!

This summer I have learned two things.
My life is so much sweeter when I follow God instead of trying to direct my own path.
My children are growing up faster that I ever thought possible.

This journey is the best and I look forward to tomorrow and the next day and the next.

Until Next Time -

Summer Catch Up

John and Andy spent two weeks farming together. While they were cutting wheat, Andy ran after a bunny for a very long time and finally caught it! He brought that thing home prouder that a peacock!! John had the best time - he said it reminded him of his childhood and he was very thankful to have the opportunity to do a little farming with his son. "Farming is just something that is in your blood and its been way to long since I have done it."

Hanging out at the car wash....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Missing in Action

I guess I have been ignoring my blog. I could give you several really good excuses as to why I haven't been posting, but I will save the drama for another day.

Andy and Megan have really enjoyed their summer. We have been to Florida, lounged out by the pool and learned to paintball. (Well, Megan and John did)

Everyday is a new gift from God and we are trying to embrace every moment and learn to be be more like him.

The kids go back to school in two weeks. This summer has really gone by fast. Andy turned 8 in July and Megan is 15 and driving!!! I miss those days when I said get in the car and no one argued with me or had somewhere else they would rather be. I will post some summer images soon.

Until next time-